January 21, 2016
Trying something new can really help to eliminate the feeling of being stuck. Sometimes, you just need a little spark or variety, to ignite your imagination or worldview, which will add some extra meaning to your daily life. Recently I watched a Ted Talks video which spoke to trying something new for thirty (30) days (Link). The speaker related how listing small things he really wanted to do then executing them in the timeline changed his perspective of himself in small increments. He began to feel less dull and became enthused about possibilities, as his list of things grew from biking to work to climbing Kilimanjaro. It was very brief, but one thing that screamed at me as I watched him, through slightly exasperated eyes, on this particular evening after a long day at my 9-5, was that I needed to start small. My mind quickly flashed to my small garden patch that was only a few steps away. It was not yet excessively thriving but its growth was steady, and though there were some exceptions, which didn't make it past the first stage of planting, the growth of those that did laid the foundation for future abundance. Not only was the landscape of my once desolate front yard evidently transformed but also it was a start to sustainable change, including a change in me. For a few years now, I have been encouraged by a very good friend to make the step. I was otherwise occupied and just didn’t know if it was best seeing I live in the sunshine city where vegetation may find it difficult to survive. This discouraged me. Late last year, the same friend decided to help me shed that discouragement by prepping a small space for planting. I was at first slightly petrified that I would not get it right, (yes I am a little neurotic about such endeavors). Anyhow there was the soil and there I was with a few stalks of callaloo, one of my favourite greens, so I took on the task of planting the five. More than 30 days later I am proud to say I have reaped the reward of a meal once and now new growth springs forth. I have also added another small batch and remain committed. In addition, I put in a couple garlic pegs on the weekend, of which one has started sprouting, after just a few days in the ground. New Growth is a beautiful thing! I also made the trip to purchase pepper and cucumber and cantaloupe to try my hand or green thumb at. Vines are now spreading for the latter two while the former is a little far ahead and will be transplanted to a pot. In the thirty (30) or so days I have been doing this, I have noted that the benefit is also physical and spiritual. Back to that exasperated feeling, most evenings I consider it free therapy to be able to water my small patch of vegetation and count it as even more joy to work in it pulling up weeds or turning over the soil. Yes I have gotten “proper proper” tools to work with too! I look at myself (Farmer Jane) as a friend teases and I say look at you! One small change has made a big difference, piquing my interest in so many things now. I didn’t really have that keen focus before now I find myself researching how to regrow things and paying more attention to how I treat earth in general. I realized that while working in my garden has become a meditation of sorts, I was also helping to provide food (sometimes frustratingly so to other life). Bugs and caterpillars came, butterflies too. I consider it homage to earth. Paying forward some of what I have been blissed to receive. In the same breath, I am able to also eat some of what she has blessed me with over the years so in all it is a “win win”. In this time when climate change is such a hot topic, I am not sure if it is entirely too late to reverse some of the effects but I also believe that there are many solutions which require little or no great investment to execute. I am a perfect example of this. In summary, a small change brings the solution to sustainable change. In closing, this is what I wanted to truly share:
P.S one cantaloupe plant didn’t make it and so did mint which I also tried but I kept going. Don’t give up! #gardeningisfun #eatwhatyougrow #StartSmall #Challenge&Grow #blissingalways Warrior Sistren
Travelling “Home” August 25, 2015 The feeling of travelling home is one of recognition, reflection and acceptance. It takes time to return and to find your place of beginning but when you do it is absolutely magical. Things are not always as they seem and sometimes time allows us to garner a perspective that is wiser and more productive than youth’s naive although relevant gaze. Recently I had the chance to fulfill a long standing need of returning to my roots, to “home”, which was very cathartic in how it helped me expose my past insecurities and helped me heal the wounds I have long carried. I was able to balance my perspectives on a particular matter which had long been a burden to me. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel now for having been afforded this opportunity to redeem my soul and also heal it. We can never truly deny where we are from, no matter how far we run. If we do,we live a lie. Sometimes you have to make a physical, spiritual and mental journey to find that the place where you started to chart the way forward. This experience allowed me to do the following things which I know will ensure a clearer future and perspective on matters that I thought I had decided on. 1. Appreciate the present moments derived from my past 2. Place perspective on all my views 3. Forgive and heal The affairs of my heart on this matter have settled in some sense and I no longer have the apprehension towards the situation. I can face it confidently as myself and know that while all things were not perfect, they were necessary. I no longer hold resentment near because I know there was a bigger picture to even the suffering that may have been inadvertently experienced. In honour of the words shared I share this one from Iba Mahr, from a place in time where I spent my childhood is quite the appropriate scene. Many of us are just travelling home. WarriorSistren
Answer the Call
May 7, 2015 The journey did not end, the paths stretches still before me. My voice is not dumbed down just gathering its power to release and roar once again. It will never be silenced. So many things to say but we must say the things most beneficent to the purpose. Observation teaches much and when I take it all in, circumstances often reveal the true man or woman we are. We lay exposed, all our intentions and motives spread in full view. I feel a certain call in this time, a call to stand. A call that will separate those ready to answer courageously and those willing to just go along. Our world is filled with so much injustice. Blood runs in the streets like rivers. We see, surely, there is uprising in all forms. This is not the only thing that dominates my attention however, my true self will not allow me to only see ruin but also the rising. Those standing, speaking out, revolting and re-evaluating. This concept of revolution. What is it really to have a revolution, be the revolution? Yes be the revolution in real Life. History shows us when there is an uprising; yes there is possible bloodshed yet our ancestors still answered the call. They did not fear death and they live on in us to carry this mission forward. The call to justice, fairness, upfulness is for all of us and we will not be denied. How long will we stand aside or on the wall “a watch dem a crush wi”? Revolution is evolution for survival and while it takes place in the streets it also should take place in our grass roots. When we gather to ground and strive together, it should be to reason, strategize and build our plans to survive. Institutions must be set up to be the framework for the sustenance of the revolution long after you and I have past. So we have the blueprint, let’s execute in our niche by connecting with those of like mind. Ubuntu and Umoja are critical glue holding us together. We should be as ferocious and systematic in our approach to surviving. My voice, my voice cannot be still, my pen will speak on paper. That is one call I must always answer. I ask who will join me. Who will answer the call? Find your calling. Answer it and let’s connect and work together, Get it? Work together. Many more things to release but time waits for no man. “The people, who were trying to make this world worse are not taking a day off, how can I? Light up the darkness.” Who is the revolution? It’s you and I when we are self-determined and interdependent on each other. It is you and I using all our skills for the benefit of the community. Farmers, Readers, Writers, Singers Teachers Healers, Lovers, Helpers, and Warriors, we need you all but first we must ground ourselves and when the universe is ready and calls, Answer, answer the call. “Strength out to the wise and protection to the meek” in these and all times (Protoje/ Protection from the Ancient Future Album). Salute from this Warrior - Sistren. WarriorSistren What the Reggae Revival means to me –A live music lover’s perspective
For the last two years I have experienced life changes, which have taken me on interesting journeys and provided truly invaluable experiences. Believe it or not the now acclaimed reggae revival has had as much to do with it as any other thing that has impacted me greatly during this time. Let me take you back to when I wasn’t even inside this community at all just on the outskirts looking for something different, indeed searching for something to replace the mundane. In this search, I kind of stumbled upon the live music scene which wasn't new in and of itself but it was the certain specific word sound message my spirit longed for in short that drew me in. I needed something real that I could connect with in a meaning full way. It was then about 2010 and I hadn’t even heard of the term reggae revival, or its meaning, what I was drawn to were the sounds, the rhythm of live music which spoke to my soul. I recall vividly my first Wickie Wackie hearing the sounds of the Raging Fyah and revisiting to see Chronixx, accompanied by Infinite on guitar for the first time, the glee and excitement of buying the Judgement Day album and having it on repeat to my heart’s content then researching to uncover more brought me to discover Nomaddz, Kabaka Pyramid, Jesse Royal and many more. Then there was Protoje and his arguments, which led me to fall in Rasta Love, purchasing the 7 year Itch from his knapsack in Port Royal. I thought how fresh and original this whole experience was. Lover of reggae music that I was how could I resist this. This was also the first time I saw and heard the soulful moving sounds of Jah 9. I believe now all the occurrences culminated into the yellow brick to where I am today working alongside those who want to see this music reach the masses. The message of course is the most critical. I followed the crumbs all the way to the conscious emerald city, which now shines so brightly for the world to see. This is how the revival has impacted me. It coincided with a pivotal awakening of a dormant giant, an overtaking of my consciousness and pointing of a light to look within before acting externally to not only feel good, but stand as my own person in the confidence that what I felt in my spirit all these years was true as my authentic natural whole self. Yes the music has been that to me but it has also afforded me the chance to interact with some bright beautiful souls who all in some way connected by this unifying thread. I could not have written this into my life but I accept my place in this universe. I remain grateful for all my divine relations and to all with whom I have connected and give thanks for the sharing of Nrg, space and time. In the words of the Wailing Wailers…”Music goin’ to teach them one lesson, THIS YAH rebel, music goin’ to teach them one lesson”. To all ones who represent this rebel spirit in their art remember the message. It is for the reviving of the people’s consciousness. We are all messenjahs in our own rights. As we move forward, let’s not lose sight of the path along which we have come. I am still a fan but I also know there is a lot of work to be done. I extend my hand to you so we can work together to see each through. In all things I am because we are, reggae will never die in the hearts of the people. Keep contributing however you do to show the world that this movement is not about “I, its us”( Protoje). Blissings Warrior Sistren ![]() Coming Full Circle: The Changes Continue – January 22, 2015 MMERE DANE "time changes " symbol of change, life's dynamics – Adinkra Symbol Changes by nature upset the comfort zone and require adjustments which are sometimes unsettling to those so affected. It is however important to recognize that while adjustments are required, change is not always a bad thing. It can act as a major trigger towards greater things and better direction. With each life experience I am learning change is a beautiful thing. Change can be amazing. It is easier to roll with the waves and fall right into the niche of things than to be uncooperative with each inevitability. As you grasp the lessons from each change you face, it raise one’s ability to effectively handle the next uprising. Change has also brought me full circle to the appointed place of my destiny. This became quite apparent towards the end of last year and I thought how relevant that I will begin my new year with such new experiences coupled with some not so new ones. I consider them new however because at a certain point in time this was reality but having come back to where I indeed started, I am a new person in new circumstances with familiar places and people who have also grown through the passage of time. So, I indeed love my New Year with its New Paths to walk and conquer. I do not want to jinx my blessings so it’s best to open myself to the greatest possibilities which can manifest. I choose instead to be brave, set my face to the challenge to grow than to shrink away and not attempt what I do not know. My life is all my own responsibility so I have to make it all it can be. Getting to this place is no easy task but the more you embrace it the easier it gets. Change your attitude towards something you fear and see how you can create the circumstances which are fertile for your benefit. Won’t you try it? Just try and see. Words from the bible said “oh taste and see that the Lord is good” I say Oh taste and see how life can be good. No Limitations or hesitation. Let’s embrace change together and watch it work for us. I really hope this encourages you as it does me to share. Here’s to change and bringing our lives into full focus. Much Love reflected and always more to come, from this sistren. Blissings WS ![]() Self Determination for Survival December 9, 2014 It is with a brave heart that I attempt to begin to pull together all the inspiration that has brought me to the page once again in sharing what life has given me in lessons. Today I would like us to consider the matter of “Kujichagulia”. The word in Swahili refers to self-determination, a concept; I became most closely aware of through exposure to the celebration of Kwanzaa. “Kujichagulia” means "To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves." Deep in these words more than the activity or work that is required is the point that all this must be done for self by self. Why do we need to create define, name or speak for ourselves? The answer is quite obvious, if we don’t, someone else will. Then, the natural result is that we will be subject to the creation of that mind’s reality. In my humble opinion, the principle of self-determination applies to anyone who wishes to manifest his/her own life on his/her own terms. Now that we have established this foundation for the reasoning, I will share how a few at first unrelated incidents in the last couple of months have had me taking a more serious look at the importance of this very principle. First, there has been an innate fire growing inside me to, as I will quote from a song of Buju Banton 'rule my destiny'. I have observed in the rushed life of urban living, the need to retract from the programming we so daily engage in, focus more internally which often then leads me to desire to set my own life agenda undisturbed by external forces. I have seen how easy it is to be swallowed whole by routines and expectations of everyone but yourself. Simply, my tolerance for this has grown thin and waning in the last couple of months. The second is the re-reading of certain critical chapters of Groundings with My Brothers by Walter Rodney which through the glance of more searching 'eyes', I began to connect more deeply, with his “Statement of the Jamaican Situation” (chap. 1), seeing the true nature of this land in which I had been born and how it had indeed progressed negatively to now. So many parallels jumped out at me and it saddened me to know we were still not far removed from these very rootical issues and concerns. The 3rd and final spur to me sharing my experience was participating in the Jamaica Music Conference weekend which was held last month here in Jamaica which exposed me to individuals who were independently trying determine their own paths, most times un-aided and fighting an uphill battle to survive according to their rules. The reasonings in that space helped bolster the fire burning for self-assessment and indeed change, a need to stand up and be counted as an individual and also as a community. A part of this experience also involved a visit to Pinnacle and also exposure to the knowledge of a self-sufficient community here in Jamaica one of many I presume, which was the Source Farm Eco village in John’s Town St. Thomas. All three things screamed to me self-reliance in the following ways: here was Walter Rodney describing the state of things, as they exist, prophecy fulfilling and pointing towards the solution, which is self-determination as a collective. So was also the declaration in the discussions and reasonings at the conference and a physical example was held up by those living this self-reliant determined life, which in and of itself provided proof that we can choose to live how we want to. We are gifted to create define and make the rules for our paths even when met with opposition. It called forth a need to examine this life that we are living on the daily. Are we truly living as how we would like to or are we living in the construct of another’s idea of how our life should be? As I broke down the meaning of these words more deeply, a more popular set of words sprung to mind “To thine own self be true” taken from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. If I am to be true to myself then I must embrace myself, all that I am and come from. I must also accept responsibility for my life. In other words I can stay in the passenger seat or jump into the driver’s seat. And then came the light, self-determination not only needs to happen on an individual level but in a communal collective setting where we join together to create the communities we want to see exist. Inevitably this is for our survival. It is time indeed for me, for all of us as a people to “resume the handling of our, their own destinies” as Walter Rodney posits as he expounds on Black Power and its relevance to the West Indies. Regaining our power and independence is one sure way to chart the path to the life of our own design. It will not be easy, it was not easy for our ancestors. Yet their vision inspires us still. On my visit to Pinnacle, I was struck by this very truth how far ahead our ancestors saw to do the things expedient in their time so that we have an example from which to pull our own inspiration. As I stood on the grounds of the highest point, I could feel a natural connection with the land and also what occurred to me more than anything, was here was a space that was created for the people by the people. In Leonard Howell’s vision he had created a safe space, a place where our people could live and be according to their own purpose if they so chose; an example of self-sufficiency and determination that was later seen as a threat to the established norms of his time. I see that things still have not progressed as far as we would like because here I am trying to chart the same path for myself and not without opposition. I realize the preservation of this place means cementing the ideology and philosophy of a self-sustaining life that no one should be denied. Isn’t this what we all want in the end? Think about it. This isn’t just a Rasta ting. This community was built on the principle that we as people can make it work. We can organize. We can build. We can feed ourselves. In these treacherous times we need self-determination more than ever. This is what Pinnacle now means to me, what the Source Village in Johns Town St. Thomas means, what Kujichagulia means. I can make it work and more importantly we can make it work. Won’t you join me? Let’s define and create for ourselves and speak for ourselves the very lives we really do desire. We are the change we have been waiting on all our lives. I leave you with this for contemplation. Blissings and Love Always from this Sistren. WS The View through Maturing Eyes…
September 20, 2014 Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. It may mean giving up familiar but limiting patterns, safe but unrewarding work, values no longer believed in, and relationships that have lost their meaning. John C. Maxwell My sense of the world has changed so significantly in the last two years that I hardly connect with how life “used to be” with my present eyes. Some very important seemingly im-possibilities, said hello to me and manifested into reality. The journey has not always been sweet but it’s been everything I need. I am working it all out in this lifetime, instead of watching it all pass me by. I am so fortunate to have been given the opportunity to spread my pretty wings. The view from up here is amazing. I can see so far, and it’s also quite humbling as I mature into the womb-man I am becoming every single day. Maturing eyes also means growing up from self-destructive patterns of behavior which often stagnate your blessings. I have learnt not to give up on myself, my blissings or my power. Love never leaves me alone so I have no need to fear. Extending trust in the process is also a major requirement. I would not suggest blind faith, just to have confidence in your ability to create and to attract the best things through focus, and to trust in the universe and nature’s ability to provide what you need. Ponder the birds, the bees, and the trees and how they live and be; you are no less than they are. Acting with more wisdom is also a by-product of my growth. I am more willing to take some time to decide, thinking and looking more deeply, respecting my intuition, and letting it be my inner guide to overstanding the situations I find myself in. I am always looking for lessons where once existed problems and enigmas, which seemed insurmountable. I must admit also that in seeing myself, I am less hard on myself. The world is not linear to me and I am learning to accept the ying and yang of life, duality if you will. Maturity, growth and learning do not stop, they are continual, so I will always be evolving and that’s ok with me. As Nesta Marley reminds me “every little thing is gonna be alright.” I am thankhful for this message. It reminds me to take a deep breath and let life unfold, as it should. I am also learning to cherish and hold closely those relationships and connections, which are upful and positive. Your innerg will tell you when you are being affected by toxic Nrg, do pay attention and make the necessary adjustments required to preserve your most precious commodity, other than the breath of life, that of your peace of mind. Misery loves company but we don’t have to be about that life. I intended to share these few gleanings from the life I’ve been leading, in the hopes that something imparted will influence reflection and perhaps contemplation, then acts of positive change. Change is after all our most consistent companion in life. I began sharing myself with you through my words and I will continue to do so. When next we meet, time only knows. From my heart to yours, know it’s always warriess love. This has been a peek at the view through my maturing eyes. I invite you to stay with me as I grow and find my glow. Peace and blissings Warrior Sistren Evolving into Your Highest Self
August 5, 2014 When you look into my eyes, do tell me what you see? I can tell you what I certainly feel, it is the determination that keeps the drive in me. Success or achievements cannot always be measured in silver and gold but it’s easy to observe when you have turned the corner moving away from mediocre. It is when you start requiring more of yourself, digging deeper for the treasure. It’s when things hidden from sight, surface and shine, you are your own archaeological gold mine.When you can see in yourself without vain conceit, the beauty of all you can be and indeed have become, it’s a life changing moment that brings a smile to the soul. In getting to this place of proud acknowledgment, we must take the road of self-evolution. Flowing with all the opportunities the universe provides to tap into our personal wealth, indeed I may regard them as the gifts, given to first empower ourselves then others. You must be fluid enough to allow the tide to take you out to unchartered territory. Trusting the waves of change as they take you to self-discovery and knowledge. It may involve discomfort, maybe even pain but the invaluable lessons you will obtain are far too priceless to give up. You must lose the eyes you once saw with and open your mind to possibilities and inevitabilities which never seemed possible. On this journey, observe that the path of the least resistance is most beneficial. This is not simply just going along or taking a ride, but it is being able to go where the trade winds blow, recognizing in every miniscule moment the blissing i.e. the things which are so befitting your growth and development. In this space, it is possible to experience the boundless manifestations, your imagination can create. In this realm many “crazy” ideas and “who would have thought or known” moments will come so brace yourself. Your doors are essentially waiting to be opened and closed as needed. The opportunity to be more than you previously thought to be realistic is right here. The places and spaces which lay ahead have one thing in common, your choice. Will you evolve or stay stagnant? There are no right or wrong answers only the consequences to our actions, which ultimately result in learning, growing, overcoming and being all in a lifetime of living. Still, if you so desire it, your highest self awaits you and so does your best life. Light and Love, Warrior Sistren Remembering the Path, Why I began
- June 2, 2013 From whence I came, I must retrace. The journey with myself to this loving embrace. I do not think this feeling to be unique, the struggle of what to express and what to contain, and sometimes silence inevitably wins. These days, I ponder more and do not let my words just fly. Perhaps I am not yet ready to commit to this long love affair with pressed letters on page, letting my feelings speak. As I have this thought a reminder comes, ‘in sharing my words I give myself to you’ and sometimes the thought makes me feel so vulnerable but I must let the words flow, let them go, for they will not remain silent for long. Gladly speaking because of the opportunity I have been given, time is no factor for this is not a race this is endurance. Sometimes it’s like I have forgotten how to keep going, sometimes distractions come in many forms but it is important to recognize, assess and then develop a plan of action to dispel the spell before it becomes binding. Do not deny yourself the joys which are certainly yours if you just keep going, keep following your path. You are indeed making a way for yourself. I am making my way. Each thought recorded here is done in fulfillment of my contribution to the universe based on this calling. Remember your soul call, that which satisfies your soul the most, the best. Do not ever forget it. Do not forget why you began. Sankofa, the Akan word from Ghana, means in English to "reach back and get it" (san - to return; ko - to go; fa - to look, to seek and take). It is said to be associated with the proverb "It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten.” If you have forgotten reach back and remember, seek and take a Hold of your destiny, let it manifest. Catch my drift. Don’t let the waves capsize your ship, stay riding the waves of your potential and prospering from strength to strength. As I remember where I began it is also is where I end, at least for now, these my words, my mind on these pages. Sankofa Bredrin and Sistren… Sankofa! Love and Light Itinual WarriorSistren Gaining Perspective: Tipping the scale in your Favour April 22, 2014 “Perspective makes the difference between tragedy and things meant to provide you with an opportunity”– Jah 9 ‘Keep Holding On’ The above quoted words from the prolific Janine Cunningham have a sobering effect on me as I read them and repeat them to myself from memory, having heard them some time before and my spirit never let them go. They are a gentle reminder and call to presence of mind. They are needed especially when I am faced with seemingly insurmountable mental mountains. Often in life’s university we face situations, incidents and circumstances, which refine our characters, and in the process, sometimes we can feel only the heat of the flames and nothing beyond. If we should however pause for a moment, take mental stock of this situation; we may be able to see the opportunity that resides in the flames and heat of refinement. The fire at the “muss muss” tail is not always a bad thing. It can most certainly serve as a warning to move because there is danger, and which one of us doesn’t want a warning instead of just basking away in the cool breeze of ignorance? Think about it. So if the application of fire resulting in heat refines gold, then in the end, the result is an opportunity, which is profitable. A tragedy can take many forms and is all a matter again of perspective. Perspective however can also help you to see your circumstances in a new light that will result in a more edifying experience than at perhaps first glance. So how do you gain perspective to tip the scale in your favour? Well the first step is to find the objective eye in the situation. Sometimes this is hard to do on your own, you may seek support or advice from a trust worthy source who can be a voice of reason to you. If not, take some time to remove your emotions from the situation and then dissect it in a factual way. Some questions that might help: How bad or tragic is this really? Might I be over-reacting? After this, you may accept that you are affected regardless of how bad or not so bad the situation. Now turn your attention to the facts of the situation. What happened and why? This will help you identify causes and effects and also ways to avoid a reoccurrence if possible or it may also provide you with perspective that will help you be less hard on yourself while facing the flames. Having accepted the occurrence, and the facts of it, you can then start to examine the following questions: What might I learn from this and how will these lessons help in the future? These are your opportunity questions, because regardless of what has happened, the take away from any negatively perceived situation should at least be the learning of something that will benefit one’s future journey. Sounds like the work of a lifetime of learning to me, which is exactly how it needs to be viewed, if you and I are to capitalize on the opportunities from our perceived tragedies. Use perspective as the clarifying lens to view any situation especially the uncomfortable ones. The words of the song continue…” consciousness will guide you and keep you in the right just stay focused on the light … and keep holding on … my brothers and sisters…. Don’t let them draw you out, maintain composure” for your tragedies are working for you greater opportunities for growth. I extend these few thoughts to you as I ponder my own perspectives and hope that in reading, you will see that in life there is more than pain, it’s just how the picture is framed. Blissings and Universoul-love WarriorSistren Meeting “Me” at the Cross Roads – The beginning of Transformation
December 4, 2013 After going through a major life change, I have found myself at the cross roads of my existence. The pain and pangs of the past are so much further away when compared to the day I started this journey. These words that I write, communicate all that lies in my “heavens” and as they take shape on this page, they enunciate my very thoughts, thoughts of finding my way home to me and settling there. At this juncture in my journey, I find that having broken the chains that helped me move more freely, I am just beginning to see the self that lays hidden but also finding that I have many questions still about this evolving woman, who keeps unfolding. Each day to this moment has taught me that I can no longer depend on what I have always done to merely survive and be satisfied, I see that I want more than just what seems to come natural to me, or what could be considered normal under these circumstances. Within I feel a deep sense of longing to arrive fully in the skin I should be in, meeting the real me in living colour and not the programmed manufactured one. I want all the masks to fall away and only what is real and genuine to remain. All the things I was taught which were never me but became a part of my consciousness must be unlearnt and replaced with new thinking, habits and actions. I want to meet me, all of me. I ask myself, so now that you are free, have you imagined what you would like your life to be and how to manifest into reality? These words float up to face me, who are you? Who do you want to be? What resonates with you? Are you happy? Spirit inside me responds, don’t worry about scripted lines; just let your heart speak truly and deeply. ‘Shhhhh…’ listen while your inner voice is speaking. In these moments, some answers are clear, some still need flesh, but they are 100 percent honest, at this stage of discovery. I am also learning that I don’t have to have it all figured out but I should lend as much effort, thought and energy to my pyramid, as I do with other important ventures in my life. I am worth it and deserve it. I repeat slowly this time, I am worth this, all of this and I deserve it. So since I deserve it, I must make time for it, commit to it, the process of meeting me. Standing at the cross roads means a path is still in front of you to be taken and where the steps will go, you decide. There can be No fear because thoughts become things. Spirit speaks again; just trust in the optimistic feelings for your existence. Constantly count your blissings and be proud of how far you have come. Let your mind conceive the best possibilities then watch the opportunities open before you. The greatest struggle at the cross roads is to get still, to be still so you can listen, so you can hear. Getting rid of the distractions, creating that balance, so essential to keeping yourself happy, connected and aligned. Life is so divinely complex yet so beautifully simple when taken moment by moment in quiet contemplation. My mission now is to find my fire which will keep this locomotive moving in its intended direction. From the crown of my Head to the Soul of my feet, all things moving in unison knowing I-self, being I-self and not shape-shifting into someone else. Everything is available and possible my spirit speaks again. So I listen and claim all the power and strength it gives me. My challenge to myself: To rise not just to the occasions which will come, but to begin with a mental picture or vision of all the possible things of interest which come to my mind and are confirmed in my spirit, as the things that are for me; to never waver in the pursuit of self-love and self-acceptance in all times; and to listen, learn then act then repeat in cycles as much as needed to move forward into my destiny. The expressions of these words sustain me. I release them and all they mean first to me, then to you who read and contemplate every line. I share knowing that in the gift of giving we also receive many blissings. Always love, WarriorSistren The Year that made the difference
Growing fully into who you should be is hard work. Sometimes you will experience repetitions of scenarios past or forgotten or you may slip into old and familiar habits, but I have seen in this last year of growth and change that despite all this, I did find all that I needed to make the difference. These words hold true and firm, “Not everyone will understand your journey, nevertheless, trod on.” In stepping over barriers to get to your higher self, to up-Lift, to transcend daily and keep going, you must put in heart work, soul work and mind work; the process of intense transformation. It takes commitment and support from those who overstand the process and are willing to help you reach the pinnacles of achievement. It also takes listening more to your inner voice and less to the distracting voices, which sometimes come. The path cleared before my eyes, is so vivid that I wondered how I could have missed it all this time. I comfort myself knowing that this is what I should be doing, and who I am becoming was always inside me; it just needed time to be developed, to be more fully revealed. Simply put, when the student became ready the Teacher arrived. Today I am worldsapart from the person whom I was, the one who started the Journey to the Liberated I. I have grown in confidence and have embraced my purpose with increasing boldness. I could not have done it alone and those who have been there know the true meaning of patience, endurance and love. All of which are necessary to achieve maximum brilliance. Imagine this, striving to reach your fullest, most potent state, the highest being you can be: what could compare to this? It is indeed a great honour to have been blessed with the opportunity, and I have gained clarity, renewed strength, self-love and acceptance daily as I grow from strength to strength. You see, I thought it was too late and when dark clouds gathered, they almost took away my hope of rainbows and sunshine. I was almost ready to settle for mediocre, then opportunity knocked and life gave me an alternative. My response to this opportunity was yes, I received it, and I got beauty for my perceived ashes. From that moment, so many things inside me began to change and indeed keep changing. Greatest of all I learnt to truly love myself. I know now I can create what I prefer, making conditions right for me, no longer a victim to the whims and fancies of external factors. I see now, how I am so precious, so worthy and deserving of every good thing Life has to offer. Nothing is impossible, if you want it, it can be yours. Another great lesson, you can change your creation if it no longer serves you. Think of it! An existence where all resistance fades away and all you experience is Life truly, magnificently beautiful. A year in time made me see myself with new eyes. It took just some time to see what was real and what wasn’t. If that’s all it took for me, imagine what one moment, one decision, one choice can do for you. I write not just to speak of what I have experienced but also to share with you, hopefully some light that will guide you to your path of self actualization. Empowering yourself is the first tool to making the changes needed for the best “you” possible. When you are ready to receive your deserved blissings, they will announce themselves in your presence. Trust yourself to know what you need and keep trusting yourself. If you are not living for you, who are you living for? Make the step to make the difference. Blissings and Love always WarriorSistren “Overstanding I n I -The Inner Voice”
My words have unlocked chains for me literally and figuratively. They were always the weapon I needed when it came to fighting and surviving. They truly speak of and represent I n I, my inner voice come to life. With every line I conceive, as I sit here and ponder, then smile, I hope you receive the message into your own consciousness that will awaken your own inner voice. Most essential to this journey of creating the masterpiece which is All YOU, is to learn to discern the inner guiding system and heed its messages keenly. The thoughts, which I quietly consider, as I flip through each page of I life and see how every moment has unfolded blissfully to the one in which I dwell, make me proud but also hungry; hungry for more and more of what I need which is to grow fully and more fully into I-SELF. I am that womb-man, that earth that possesses this moment, no longer afraid of my freedom but embracing the awesome power it has brought me, embracing the voice I have been blessed with, and, ensuring I use it for wise purpose. This is what happens after you set yourself free: I struggled with “what I should do now” thoughts, feeling like my well may be drying up a bit, but my inner voice replied “oh no you have only just begun”. Comforting words return, “That was only the first step to opening your eyes; so you could see there are no more limits exist except where you create them in the mental”. So I know I have to now rise to the occasion. Its interesting, when you are captive you can only think of being free but when you get on the other side of life your thoughts turn to what you should do with that which you have earned in tears, blood and sweat. My father’s reminder haunts me; “do not let freedom be the destination.” So I resolve to seek more and more change, more unleashing of I authentic self till I am so fullyfilled, that all I will do is radiate it outward shining as unto a brighter and brighter day. I do not want to be afraid. I just want to really be alive in every moment, having the sense that where I am, what I am doing, who I am, is all in benefit to my soul. So let the unearthing of skills and talents commence, grow from strength to strength. Let boldness quickly inspire and feed my growth. Say yes to using creativity and definitely yes to my individuality. Visions created by my inner voice will manifest what I n I need to LIVE. So let the chains fall away. Let them prevent me no longer. No more sleeping on I-SELF and what I need. Time is already now and I am waiting no longer and guess what neither should you. Blissed Love Ones so much, so much more to come. The I in I Give Thankhs. WarriorSistren Are you ready for your opportunity?
“The secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes. - Benjamin Disraeli” Opportunity often knocks when you perhaps least expect it. Being ready though, I have come to realize, is not of the sort that is taught in the classrooms of this world, but is the willingness to say yes when confronted with a new but promising occasion to contribute to something great. So my prospect came about 6 months ago, in the form of an email requiring a response. I took a few days to consult with myself as is my usual routine, when presented with something that I have never done before nor have any formal experience with. At the end of the evaluation, my answer was yes, cementing my agreement to write a review for “Groovin at SCR” featuring Conkarah, Kabaka Pyramid, Jesse Royal et al. Prior to this I wanted something outside of the routine of the life I had now settled into and even greatly felt a desire to discern what is now my true calling and purpose. In those days of self searching and questions, I never thought of the moment I would be asked to do such a thing, as it came to me, much like a whim. I had secretly desired to find something that would meet the requirements of making a contribution greater than my current corporate pursuits. This was no time to play it safe or run away. The result of this effort sparked my connection with BLAK IWA TV and the genesis of my self-titled blog Warrior Sistren Seh. There were other things competing for my attention and unfortunately having a negative impact on me at that time which did not make the decision easy but I figured in my mind, this would not hurt could not hurt my circumstances, so ready, set, let’s go and I accepted the break. My most logical next step was wondering how successful it would be. Success by one online source is defined as “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose”. For me while this opportunity resonated as my purpose and certainly felt in alignment with natural ability, the accomplishment or accomplishing of success would now be left up to me. The work began with one small step in the right direction and from there so many connections later, I am in awe of my own personal growth and also what I have indeed achieved. It’s been hard work too but my commitment is most solid and I won’t be giving up anytime soon, I want to take this as far as it can really go. My love for all of you who support me grows daily and so does my thankfulness. I am conscious that I won’t be able to really tell in numbers, the success I have had but numbers matter not when the benefits are worth their weight in golden moments. If I had not said yes, I would not have started this particular journey of growth and transformation. I discovered my outlet, my voice, my NIA (Swahili for purpose) and IMANI (faith in my abilities). I didn’t lose these two very important aspects but they were both waiting for the right opportunity to present itself. I was ready because it was always inside me and similarly what’s inside each of us resides there in fullness waiting perhaps to be tapped into by an opportunity. The mere fact that my words are read and resonate with another being is enough accomplishment for me. My success not in plaques and medals but in the value of the positive influence I radiate in my words and actions. These have spread and ultimately boomerang in return to my sphere of life resulting in love, bliss, self recognition, acceptance, tolerance, strength and positivity. By sharing my experiences, I am hoping for two things, someone somewhere will catch the vision for themselves and execute the gifts they have, to bring bliss to others and secondly to leave a legacy and memory worthy of the goodness I have encountered in my living moments. We must take small steps and listen to our intuition when it comes to discovering our NIA, leaps of faith even, as long as we do not allow fear of the unknown to cripple us, the light of the path will shine brighter and brighter towards fulfillment. Seek your opportunity if you must and if one presents itself, think and choose wisely. Make the most of your experience and for your own sake never stop growing until you reach a fuller and fuller life. All things conceived are possible. They are because I am a living testament of thoughts manifesting in this time. It’s always beautiful to share with you what’s going on in this mind of mine, Thanks for taking time to spend with me, continuously I give blessed thanks. Walk Good #RoyalBlakSalute Warrior Sistren The Price of Liberation – Fighting Back
“Love don’t make no one bleed…….no-one bleed” – Cherry Natural. The words quoted above are from the intellectual “bad gyal,” Cherry Natural, excerpt from a poem called “Fight Back” from her newest album. They struck me not just because of the context of domestic abuse which they directly describe, but the reality, that it is very important for each one of us to realize, which is that any harm that comes upon us has no roots in love. Often when we make up your minds in absolute resoluteness, a challenge or few may come to test our resolve, to which we must respond accordingly and MUST overcome. One is left to decide when it comes, whether to retreat or go forward come “hell or high-water”. Fortunately for those who decide to stay the course, you may leave with “scars” from the battle but you are triumphant in knowing the choice made was grounded in your greatest intuition and in your best interest. How many who read these words are staying in some situation that no longer serves your soul’s benefit? I encourage you to the uttermost, to begin the steps which are necessary to ensure your survival and happiness. Self preservation is of the utmost significance and importance. Don’t wait or delay, for some of the most destructive things are those which we hold so close to our hearts. If it’s a battle, build the courage to fight. Sound the alarm if necessary. Get support. It could be a job situation, a parasitic relationship, chains of depression or circumstances of poverty of the soul, whatever the “downpression”, whatever is holding you back cannot be worth the sacrifice of your wellbeing. The well be-ing and being well must be preserved. You will survive if you decide to gain courage, be firm but also utilize wisdom. Do it now for yourself. Step out. Walk out. Run out. Fight. Fight Back. It’s better to be prepared to face the uncertain than to remain in familiar silence and pain. A pot of gold at the end of the rainbow may not be immediate, but if the choice made is executed, the tomorrow you desire will become a greater possibility. I speak because I too have had my mountains to climb and rivers to cross and the journey is not over. I can assure you though that you are not alone. I will not accept, just will not accept, Just THIS when there is so much more. Yes, the fire will not stop burning. Don’t let your fire die. I move continuously forward, I speak to I self as I speak to you, “Love self first, step into the unknown, you can make it on your own {separated from the downpression}” DON’T ACCEPT DEFEAT. You deserve better”, these words ringing in my spirit, I extend to you. In this moment when the burden feels the heaviest, and the journey feels long, there is strength in these words, as you partake of them. I send them to you for strength and for endurance. Brave Hearts must assemble when the call is made. Guidance and love on the trod. Bliss-ed Love Warrior Sistren |
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November 2017