Coming Full Circle: The Changes Continue – January 22, 2015 MMERE DANE "time changes " symbol of change, life's dynamics – Adinkra Symbol Changes by nature upset the comfort zone and require adjustments which are sometimes unsettling to those so affected. It is however important to recognize that while adjustments are required, change is not always a bad thing. It can act as a major trigger towards greater things and better direction. With each life experience I am learning change is a beautiful thing. Change can be amazing. It is easier to roll with the waves and fall right into the niche of things than to be uncooperative with each inevitability. As you grasp the lessons from each change you face, it raise one’s ability to effectively handle the next uprising. Change has also brought me full circle to the appointed place of my destiny. This became quite apparent towards the end of last year and I thought how relevant that I will begin my new year with such new experiences coupled with some not so new ones. I consider them new however because at a certain point in time this was reality but having come back to where I indeed started, I am a new person in new circumstances with familiar places and people who have also grown through the passage of time. So, I indeed love my New Year with its New Paths to walk and conquer. I do not want to jinx my blessings so it’s best to open myself to the greatest possibilities which can manifest. I choose instead to be brave, set my face to the challenge to grow than to shrink away and not attempt what I do not know. My life is all my own responsibility so I have to make it all it can be. Getting to this place is no easy task but the more you embrace it the easier it gets. Change your attitude towards something you fear and see how you can create the circumstances which are fertile for your benefit. Won’t you try it? Just try and see. Words from the bible said “oh taste and see that the Lord is good” I say Oh taste and see how life can be good. No Limitations or hesitation. Let’s embrace change together and watch it work for us. I really hope this encourages you as it does me to share. Here’s to change and bringing our lives into full focus. Much Love reflected and always more to come, from this sistren. Blissings WS
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