Gaining Perspective: Tipping the scale in your Favour April 22, 2014 “Perspective makes the difference between tragedy and things meant to provide you with an opportunity”– Jah 9 ‘Keep Holding On’ The above quoted words from the prolific Janine Cunningham have a sobering effect on me as I read them and repeat them to myself from memory, having heard them some time before and my spirit never let them go. They are a gentle reminder and call to presence of mind. They are needed especially when I am faced with seemingly insurmountable mental mountains. Often in life’s university we face situations, incidents and circumstances, which refine our characters, and in the process, sometimes we can feel only the heat of the flames and nothing beyond. If we should however pause for a moment, take mental stock of this situation; we may be able to see the opportunity that resides in the flames and heat of refinement. The fire at the “muss muss” tail is not always a bad thing. It can most certainly serve as a warning to move because there is danger, and which one of us doesn’t want a warning instead of just basking away in the cool breeze of ignorance? Think about it. So if the application of fire resulting in heat refines gold, then in the end, the result is an opportunity, which is profitable. A tragedy can take many forms and is all a matter again of perspective. Perspective however can also help you to see your circumstances in a new light that will result in a more edifying experience than at perhaps first glance. So how do you gain perspective to tip the scale in your favour? Well the first step is to find the objective eye in the situation. Sometimes this is hard to do on your own, you may seek support or advice from a trust worthy source who can be a voice of reason to you. If not, take some time to remove your emotions from the situation and then dissect it in a factual way. Some questions that might help: How bad or tragic is this really? Might I be over-reacting? After this, you may accept that you are affected regardless of how bad or not so bad the situation. Now turn your attention to the facts of the situation. What happened and why? This will help you identify causes and effects and also ways to avoid a reoccurrence if possible or it may also provide you with perspective that will help you be less hard on yourself while facing the flames. Having accepted the occurrence, and the facts of it, you can then start to examine the following questions: What might I learn from this and how will these lessons help in the future? These are your opportunity questions, because regardless of what has happened, the take away from any negatively perceived situation should at least be the learning of something that will benefit one’s future journey. Sounds like the work of a lifetime of learning to me, which is exactly how it needs to be viewed, if you and I are to capitalize on the opportunities from our perceived tragedies. Use perspective as the clarifying lens to view any situation especially the uncomfortable ones. The words of the song continue…” consciousness will guide you and keep you in the right just stay focused on the light … and keep holding on … my brothers and sisters…. Don’t let them draw you out, maintain composure” for your tragedies are working for you greater opportunities for growth. I extend these few thoughts to you as I ponder my own perspectives and hope that in reading, you will see that in life there is more than pain, it’s just how the picture is framed. Blissings and Universoul-love WarriorSistren
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